Show Me Your Strength

I heard the song, “Dare You to Move” today on the radio for the first time in a while. For the first time I think probably ever, I thought about the lyrics.

I dare you to move.

I dare you to move.

I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor.

In my mind, I was thinking about how I could use sign language to sign the song which made me start thinking about how I interpret the words.

I dare you to move.

The first thing that came to my mind with those words was, “Show me your strength.” How strong do you truly have to be to get back up? Physically, mentally, and emotionally pick yourself back up off the floor when something happens? So freaking strong.

And just like that, I found my mantra for this training cycle, this half marathon, this full marathon, this year, and my life.

I did my first true speed workout this week. And it was hard. Like HARD. The day after that, I ran on the treadmill and ran hard. Real hard. Like laying on the floor for an hour afterwards hard. I feel like I have been very complacent in my running. I never really put in the effort or gave it my all. That is changing now. I’m going for it. I am going to see what this body and mind can do. It’s going to be hard. It’s going to suck. There are going to be days that I am going to hate it. And days that I want to quit. But, I’m here for it. I’m here for this experience that I truly believe is going to change the way I view myself, the way I talk to myself, and the way I believe in myself.

Show me your strength. I have no idea how many times I am going to say this to myself in the next 8 months but I am excited to see.

A Love Letter to My Body

2020: A Year in Review